How do I run code?
Type something in script.js or index.html file and you will see result at console panel in real-time.PopularHow do I open console?
To open console, click to the console icon, near the eye icon: Open consoleFew readersMy project is stuck (or always on spinner)
Several reasons why your code doesn't run: Make sure there is no errors in CONSOLE panel. Some PACKAGES can be broken or doesn't work properly with PlayCode. Try remove them and restart. Make a Hard restart. Click to the green triangle and click to Hard restart. it will delete the cache and rerun bundler from the ground.Few readersHow do I turn off automatic code run on typing?
Sometimes there is a need to disable automatic code running on typing. For example: Running the code slows down your computer and it starts to make noise. There is a recursive function in your code that can cause the computer to freeze. However, we have automatic Loop protection for for, while, while do construction. How to turn of: Hover on the green triangle. Set Live view switch to disabled state. ( readersHow do I open website view (preview)?
To open website view, click to the eye icon: Open website view (preview)Few readersHow do I make preview white background?
Browser pages are white by default. But PlayCode makes a similar color to the main UI colors. You can make the background color white as it should be.Few readersMy project is freezing on openning
Sometimes it happens that you can write code that will load the processor at 100% and the browser freezes. We have protection for for, while, while do, it's called Loop protection. However, it is impossible to protect against infinite recursion. There is one solution: Close frozen browser tab. Open any other project without problems, or a new one: Click to the green triangle and disable Run on opening. Then open your project and try to fix yourFew readers