How do I publish a website?
Make sure you are authorized and your project is saved.
Click to the globe icon.
Set the Share to web switch to enabled.
Click to Publish changes:
Click to Open website
Confirm, that you open a website (forced protection against fishing fraudsters):
( a Custom Domain
If you’ve purchased a custom domain from a registrar, you can add it to your PlayCode project!
To add a custom domain:
Open the project in the editor.
Click to Globe icon
Click Add Custom Domain.
Enter your custom domain URL ( and then click Add.
Now, go to your domain name registrar’s website and create a CNAME entry, adding as the target.
Here are some things to remember when adding a custom domain to yoPopularHow do I include/install a javascript package?
To include a package there are few steps:
Click to plus icon against PACKAGES.
Type package name, for an example: convas-confetti.
Choose right version.
Import this package and use it.PopularWhat is PlayCode
What is PlayCode
PlayCode is an online javascript playground where you can create React, Vue, TypeScript, Three.js, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, etc projects quickly and easily in your browser. It automatically takes care of installing dependencies, compiling, bundling, hot reloading as you type, and much more.
PlayCode eliminates the stress of having to configure deployment and build tools before you can start coding a cool prototype or demo. PlayCode will feel and function similar to your loSome readersWhich languages and frameworks are supported?
PlayCode has front-end only support, and includes these languages:
JavaScript .js
TypeScript .ts
JSX .jsx
TSX .tsx
CoffeeScript .coffee
CSS .css
SASS .sass
SCSS .scss
Less .less
HTML .html
Pug .pug
How do I change a language?
Javascript -typescript:
Rename file script.js to script.ts (changed extension).
Update index.html to include right script:Few readersHow do I include/install css package?
To include a package there are few steps:
Click to plus icon against PACKAGES.
Type package name, for an example: convas-confetti.
Choose right version.
Import this package and use it.Few readers